I pledge to remove discrimination from my heart. To never allow my beliefs to cause me to mistreat anyone. To respect each and every Human as an individual And to never accept mistreatment or injustice on my life without being heard. I pledge to make a conscious effort to live up to the true meaning of this pledge and because I am Human and I make mistakes I will say this pledge as much as necessary so I can be the difference I wish to see in the World.
Blankets, socks and Personal Hygiene Kits
Providing Hot Meals to the Hungry
Passing out purses to the ladies filled with personal hygiene
Staff assembling Personal Hygiene Kits
PPE and Personal Hygiene Kits
Serving Hot Meals
Black Trans men coming together to serve the community
Staff and Volunteers – Free haircuts to the homeless
Passing out sack lunches downtown
Our smallest volunteer
Handing out Personal Hygiene Kits
Handed out Food and Clothing
He wanted I Am Human from Head to Toe so we obliged
Spending Fathers Day with homeless men
Feeding the Homeless on Thanksgiving
Jean Carlos Cabral – San Juan Puerto Rico
Jean Carlos wearing I Am Human at his boing match
I Am Human worn during Puerto Rican fighters match San Juan PR
Shawn and Alex passing out Personal Hygiene Kits
Feeling on top of the world after feeding people on Skid Row